Utilizza il nostro booking on-line per noleggiare il tuo veicolo.
Rental General Conditions
Rental of the vehicles from the Company S.R. Gestione Parcheggi SRL (hereafter the “Lessor”) is
governed by these general conditions, the rental agreement signed by the Customer, the S.R.
Gestore Parcheggi’s SRL price list in force when the letter of rental has been signed by the
Customer, who declares to have taken full and complete knowledge.
1) The customer and all the drivers identified on the rental agreement undertake to provide true
information as to their name, age, legal requsites, telephone number and E-mail address, expressly
not holding the Lessor accountable for any consequence deriving from false statements. The
Customer and all the drivers identified on the rental agreement must be over 19 years and must be
in possession of a valid driving licenseof an EU/EFTA Country that enables to drive the type of the
vehicle rented, relased at least one year and one day and must be showned in order to take copies.
Driving license printed in characters other than letters of the Latin alphabet must be accompained
by an international driving license and/or sworn translation. For the rental of a vehicle is necessary
to own a valid credit card. Virtual cards and cards that belong to Maestro’s Circuit are not admitted.
The Lessor reserves the right to not provide a vehicle shold the documents supplied by the driver
not be deemed sufficient or should owner have any reservations as to the authenticity of the
information provided.
The vehicle cannot be operated by others without written authorization by the Lessor. Furthermore,
the vechile may not be driven under the influence of alchol or drugs, reclessness, in abnormal
psycophysical condition and/or in contrast with the rules of the Codice della strada (rules of the
road). Any traffic violations contrary to the Codice della strada, as aschertained by the Polizia della
strada, will result in the application of the relavant legal sanctions and will also be considered a
breach of contractual obligations by the Renter and thus subject to the payment of damages or to the
application of the relevant penality. The Lessor reserves the rights to take back the possesion of the
vehicle at anytime and anyplace in case of violation of the Codice della Strada. The customer is
personally responsable for road violations against the Codice della strada and for toll evasion and is
held to the refund, in its entirety, of any fine or expense and of the additional sum of €65.00 for
administrative expenses incurred. Circulation of the vehicle is authorized in Italy only. Written
consent from the Lessor is necessary to drive abroad. The renter – penalty total responsability – will
take custody of the vehicle and observe due diligence (art1587 and 1176) and under no
circumstance will use the vehicle to: I)legally transport goods (smuggling, carrying drugs or
hazardous material etc…; II) transport passengers for hire (exressly or implicitly agreed); III)Take
part in any race, speed test or contest; IV) go abroad, unless previously authorized by the owner and
declared at time of booking; V)sublet or incautiosly grant use of the vehicle to third parties for
whatever reason; VI) to push or pull any other vehicle or tow; VII) for any other use in violations of
the law, to not transport animals, substances or any other thing that can harm the vehicle, because its
condiction/smell. In order to ensure safety of the driver and correct maintenance of the vehicle, the
owner reserves the right to determine improper or abnormal use of the vehicle.
2) the vehicle is handed over with a sealed odometer, standard tools and equipment, car registration
document and global posizioning system (GPS). The vehicle is handed over with a full tank of fuel.
Subsequent fuel top-ups will be at Renter’s expense. At the end of the rental period, the vehicle will
be returned to the Lessor wih a full tank. Failure to do so will result in debiting Renter with the
monetary equivalent of the missing litres of fuel plus a supplement of 25.00 Euros as refuelling
3) Lessor’s vehicle insurance includes third party liability and motor-vechicle liability, in
accordance with law of the country in wich the automobile is registered.
4)The rental period begins on the day and time that the vehicle is handed over to the renter and ends
on the day and time it is returned to the Lessor. The vehicle is handed over in perfect condition and
must be returned in the same condition it was received (apart from ordinary wear), cleaning
included, to the offices of the Lessor on the day and the time specified in this rental agreement. If,
when inspected, the vehicle should appear to be substantially less clean than when rented, the renter
will refund the Lessor for the car wash and €55.00 as administrative expenses. The renter has the
obligation, upon retourning the vehicle, to ask that the vehicle’s condition and fuel level be verified
in their presence. If the renter shows no interest in verification, the decisions substantiated by the
Lessor will be considered valid and tacitly accepted. The vehicle must be returned to the rental
office on the date specified upon booking. Sholud the renter wish do modify the terms of the return
(place, date, time, etc…) written authorization form the Lessor must be obtained at least 24 hours
prior to specified date of retourn. In the absence of authorization, and after 45 minutes of tolerance
have elapsed from time and date agreed for return, the extra time will be charged according to dayli
fee and the Customer undertakes to pay a penalty which varies according to the rented vehicle and
declares to be aware that, in the event of failure to return the vehicle within the contractual terms
described, he/she is responsible for the crime of embezzlement or, possibly, contractual fraud. If
keys are not returned togheter with the vehicle due to loss, or any other reason or are retoruned
damaged and/or tampered with, the renter is responsible for paying 350.00 as refund, according to
art.1588 c.c. Moreover, the renter is responsible to refund 450.00 Euros in case of loss and/or
impairment of license plate.
5) Payment of rental fee will be made in the following manner: 30% upon booking that will be not
refundable if the customer does not collect the vehicle (maximum tolerance of 59 minutes). 70% at
pick up of the vehicle. Booking are accepted only in relation on the category of the vehicle selected
by the Customer. Preference in the model are subjected to the availability of the Lessor and cannot
be guaranteed at time of booking. In case of unavailability of the vehicle booked, the Lessor reserve
the rights to change it with another vehicle that belongs to the same category, or higher. If no
vehicles of the same category or higher will be available, it will be replaiced with a lower category,
after recalculation of the fare. In case of absolute impossibility to assign a replace vehicle, the
Lessor has the duty to refund all of the up to then paid by the customer. The Customer, signing in
the contract, gives his authorization to charge on his credit card the entire rental costs and all that
concerns (extra Km, extra days, etc…), damage refund, administrative expense, fines, etc…).
The deposit will be unlocked at the end of the rental period, after having ascertained that there are
no damages. The deposit may be used to cover expensess in case of loss of the Keys, or car
documents, to cover damage to third parties and in case of late return of the vehicle, if this will
harm the society. In the case of renting in the name of a legal person/corporation, the signatory of
this rengal agreement will answer in full on behalf of the aforrementioned as concerns avery term
and condition of htis contract, including, as an example, payment of damages caused,
embezzlement, fines, etc…
6) the vehicle is, in all its part, in optimal functional and maintenance condition, unless otherwise
specified, with a full tank and equipped with all the documents required by law for circulation, valid
insurance policies. The Customer must keep and preserve the rented vehicle, including the
aforementioned documents, correctly and diligenlty and undertakes to retourn the vehicle in the
same conditionn in wich it was received. Furthermore, the render declares that the vehicle inspected
prior to handover had no scraches or other damages to chassis and interior other than those
indicated with a specific mention within the contract of the rental company. The Customer
undertakes to use the vehicle correctly and diligentrly and will be resonsible for any damage caused
to it and refund it all plus €55.00 as aministrative expenses, unless it can be proved that the damage
derives from a cause that cannot be attributed do the Renter, as stated in art1588 c.c. The Renter is
held do regularly check and mainntain fluid levels and to do so, in any case, after every 1000Km
driven. Costs of storage, washing and flat tire service are at Customers’s expense.
7) in case of malfunction, engine failure or any defect of the vehicle, the Customer must not
continue to operate the vehicle in order to avoid causing further harm or damages to third parties.
The renter must immediatly inform the Lessor of the fact. In the event of urgent necessity, the
Customer may take care of repairs but solely after obtaining written authorization (via E-mail, sms,
etc…) from the rental agency. In such a case, the amounts charged for repairs will be refunded only
upon presentation of a receipted invoice (bearing date, name, and address of the supplier, vehicle
license plate number, and Kilometers traveled) made out to the owner and of any auto parts that
were replaced. The renter undertakes not to modify the rented vehicles in any way.
8) the Customer must inform the Lessor in writting of any road accident or damage within 12 hours
of the event by filling the CAI (“knock for Knock”) form that is found among the documents the
vehicle is outfitted with, also ensuring that the authorities asses damages. As failure to do so causes
serious damage to the Lessor, the driver will be charged with an amount of between 500.00 Euros
(not liable to vat) to 3000.00 Euros (not liable to vat) by way of penalty.
9)The vehicle and its accessories are all the property of the Lessor and the renter agrees to never
declaim ownership. The renter is forbiden to rent, mortgage, or use the vehicle as a pawn or
guarantee in any form. If a third party should take judical action, confiscate, or take executive
action of any kind, Customer must immediatly specify and prove with the documents in their
possession that the vehicle is a rented good and undertakes to inform the Lessor of the fact in
maximum 6 hours. The renter agrees to exhibit a copy of this contract, when necessary, to the
competent Authorities. Should the vehicle be stopped or confiscated, the Customer will refund the
Lessor the total amount of the damage incurred in addition to the amount corresponding to the sum
of each day of rent, excepting compensation for the freater damage.
10) The Customer will be responsible for any damage sustained during the rental period, except in
the case of a chance event or act of God.
11) the Lessor will in no event be responsible for the loss of articles that the renter or third parties
may have left inside the vehicle during the rental period or upon returning the vehicle. However,
should any article be found in the vehicle, the rental agency undertakes to immediately inform the
renter and, should the latter, to whom all expanses will be charged, request it, to send on or keep the
article at their disposal for 30 days, after wich time the article will be considered abandoned.
12)This contract may be rescinded in advance, according to art1456 c.c. by the Lessor in the case of
inappropriate use of the vehicle on the part of the renter according to what is specified in the
previous articles
13)Signing this contract in, the Customer agrees to rent the specified vehicle at the cost and
conditions stated herein and, further, authorizes owner to debit the credit card issued with any
amount owed.
14) This rental contract cannot be changed in any way, unless expressly indicated by S.R. Gestione
Parcheggi Srl.
15) all personal data given to rental agency will be handled in accordance with the provisions of the
privacy law art 13 D.Lgs 196/2003 and will not be disclosed. Corrections updates and cancellation
can be requested in weiting to the address of the owner or the rental agency. The data supplied to
the owner will be used for conclusion and enforcment of rental contracts and other relevant
contracts, to handle pyments and for rental accounting and administration inherent to carrying out
the terms of this agreement. Personal data can also be used do send mail after rescissions of contract
or for judical or extrajudical purposes.
16) the owner and renter declare that they reside at the addresses guven in this contract and agree to
immediately inform the other in writing of any changes to their address including chanfes in name
or company title, legal status etc… For any controversity that shoud arise, the Court having
jurisdiction will be Sassari. Anything that is not wxplicirly covered in this agreement wiil be
subjected to the laws og the Codice Civile.
17) Anything that is not specified in this contract will be subjected to Italian legislation in effect at
the moment of entering into this contract. The parties agree to mutually abode by the provisions in
force. In case of doubt of differences in interpretation, the Italian version prevails over the English
version which is considered to be a mere literal translation